MACBA: the white museum

Deep in the heart of Barcelona there is a unique building, a shinning white pearl surrounded by the old town streets: the MACBA (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona), a work by the American architect Richard Meier. The vicinities are burning with life and cheer, a place where all kinds of people gather to skate or to enjoy the sun mirrored in the glazed walls of the museum.

Keith Haring – Todos juntos podemos parar el sida – We Can All Together Stop AIDS (1989)
Since February 2014, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the creation of the mural by Haring, this work can be enjoyed outside the museum.

It is always a pleasure to wander around sites that will remain in our memories forever.

See you again in the future!


Photography by Electric Percival and When Audrey Met Darcy

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