We have been inspired by Anna Karenina (1877) this time. A great story by Lev Tolstoi (1828 – 1910) in which the passion of love is confronted by a society reluctant to change, where the oppressive rules of decorum are hardening the act of feeling, leading the characters to think about the sense of life and the price of freedom. A masterpiece worth reading and re-reading.
The vampire experience

There are some things one must know about vampires. They are old as time, they will seduce you. And they will make you desire them, irrationally, poisoning your blood. Join us through the vampire experience.
The modern vampire originated in Western Europe around 18th century, but they have existed forever in the folklore of many cultures, including the Mesopotamian, Greek or Chinese ones. Their common root is the human trouble with death and how to deal with superstition and fear.
Unexpected Venice

Venice is, without any doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But it is also one of the most vulnerable ones, due to the massive over-tourism it suffers every single day. Around 20 million visitors arrive to its canals each year and make daily life very difficult to locals.
In this current moment it is more important than ever to think twice about our actions, trying to be responsible not only for ourselves but for all of the society. Having close friends from Venice, we have visited it several times during our life. However, this time was very different.
Wild birds

Summer is the best time to get lost in any park in the city to find that well-deserved quietness. The water is pouring and splashing in the fountains, surrounded by lush green and the chirping of wild birds.
Seda marina – El biso dorado

Del biso de las nacras del Mediterráneo se obtenía la seda marina o seda de sirena, un tejido asombroso que tiñe de dorado siglos de historia.
Cuando pensamos en tejidos naturales, pocas veces nos viene a la mente la seda de mar, un tipo de tejido que se obtiene del bivalvo Pinna nobilis, la nacra, que puede alcanzar hasta un metro de altura. Estos animales son endémicos del Mediterráneo y se adhieren con su pie verticalmente en el lecho marino. De su biso salen unos filamentos sedosos que , una vez procesados, forman esta delicada seda tres veces más fina que el cabello humano.
Just Kids along the path

Patti Smith is one of those characters that one cannot feel but admiration for: wisdom, a passionate life and a captivating scenic persona. But she is not only a music performer, she is a very talented writer and visual artist as well. In fact, in the 1970s she was stirring up the New York arts’s scene with her revolutionary merging of poetry and rock in one same cathartic act.
Recalling to my personal experience with the world of Patti, I remember how impressed I was by a retrospective exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe’s photography at the Getty Center in L.A. In there, many amazing portraits of Patti (including Horses front cover, 1975) and a book I discovered in the gift shop: Just Kids.
Las Nancys: eco-swimwear desde Barcelona

Habíamos quedado con Nadia en un pequeño café de Gracia para conocer mejor su marca, Las Nancys. Ya empezaba a notarse el otoño pero aún hacía calor durante las horas de sol. Finalmente resultó que el café estaba cerrado, así que nos tomamos uno en su casa, y charlamos largo y tendido.
Las Nancys es un proyecto muy joven, de esos que aún conservan la ilusión chispeante, con muchas ideas y trabajo. Sus productos no solo están pensados para el verano, porque Las Nancys no entiende de barreras estacionales. Sigue una máxima: ¡Se Puede!
Don Fisher – It’s a catch!

Es día de pesca y nos vamos hasta las oficinas de Don Fisher para hablar de sus peces de colores llenos de vida. Sus bonitos bolsos-pez nos transportan al mar azul y la brisa salada. Además, cada especie es científicamente reconocible, con el interior asalmonado y el diseño de las espinas.
El equipo está formado por Julia y Lorena, que contestan amablemente a todas nuestra preguntas, por Noelia y la ayuda inestimable de Néstor. Así que, nosotros, como buenos grumetes, ponemos rumbo a aguas abiertas a ver qué tesoros nos encontramos.
Casa Batlló: the heartbeat of the dragon

During the long winter nights, the emblematic Casa Batlló shines with a special inner light. The particular visit is called Moon nights (Nits de la Lluna). It allows the visitor to experience this marvelous building from a completely different perspective.
In the moonlight, ceiling shapes are more organic, and the glass-paneled windows cast a kaleidoscope of blues and purples on them. Helped with a flashlight, the visitor focus on details that are usually hidden from daylight sight.
May You Live In Interesting Times (II)

After a full day at the Arsenale we started our second Biennale journey to the Giardini, where we wish to live more interesting times. The laguna opens in front of us and we experience the fresh morning air in a vaporetto trip to the Castello neighborhood, enjoying the views of Punta della Dogana and San Marco.