After our stroll through the Arsenale we moved to the calm and shady Giardini, where the Central Pavilion and major Participating Countries pavilions are found by the calm waters of the Laguna. Here we find the two introductory chapters of this travel to discover our human identity trough ART: the Pavilion of Artists and Books and the Pavilion of Joys and Fears.
Viva Arte Viva – Artists out loud!

In a world where the concept of what defines us as humans is lost among conflict, art is most needed. In the 57th International Art Exhibition of Venice (La Biennale Arte 2017) ART (in capital letters) is treated as the ultimate path to freedom, self-expression, question and debate. This years exhibition is designed ‘with artists, by artists and for artists’, quoting Christine Macel, the curator. This journey through their ideas and imagination, their concerns and doubts, their life and practice is structured in nine chapters or pavilions, two in the Central Pavilion (Giardini) and seven across the Arsenale.